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Cookies Policy


This cookie policy is provided under Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Personal data protection code, “Privacy Code”); it describes the management procedures of the web site www.poggipolini.it.


Almost all websites use cookies. A cookie is a small file that saves Internet settings. You download the browser during the first access on the website. The next time the user returns to the site using the same device, the browser checks for a cookie correlated (ie containing the name of the site) and uses the data within the cookie to be sent back to the site. This allows sites to recognize the browser and, in some circumstances, to vary the contents shown depending on the case. None of the cookies used on our site collects information that personally identifies you.


Some cookies are extremely useful because they can make browsing more enjoyable for you when you visit a website already consulted other times. If you use the same device and the same browser, the cookie can, for example, remembering your preferences, help us understand how to use our site and make content appear more relevant to the interests and needs of the user.


Users can choose to accept or decline cookies. This choice is possible by setting or changing the browser you control to accept or decline cookies. The procedure is differentiated depending on the browser used by you, for more information please consult the browser’s Help.

Normally, browsers used today:

• offer the “Do not track” option, which is supported by some websites (but not all). Thus, these websites are no longer able to collect certain navigation data;

• offer the option of anonymous surfing or incognito mode: this way, data will not be collected in the browser and browsing history will not be saved, but the navigation data may still be acquired by the operator of the Web Site that was visited;

• allow the deletion of cookies stored in whole or in part, but after visiting a Web Site again they are usually installed, where such possibility is not blocked.

Our website uses or may use, in combination with each other, technical cookies (managed by the owner and / or manager of the site) and third-party cookies (arranged and managed by foreign managers to the site), divided according to the classification proposal in Opinion 04/2012 on the exemption from the consent to the use of cookies issued by the Working Group pursuant to art. 29 within the EU (available here) Analitycs.


Cookies are used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses and website visits. In some cases, combined with other information such as the entered credentials for access to restricted areas (your email address and password), you can be used to profile the user (personal habits, sites visited, downloaded content, types interactions carried out, etc.).


TFall into this category all those graphical components of a interface of a program, that has the purpose to facilitate the user interaction with the program itself. By way of example are widgets cookies Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest. More information about privacy and their use are available directly on the websites of the respective operators.


The majority of browsers are configured to accept, control or potentially disable cookies through the settings. We nevertheless remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies may affect the functioning of the website and/or limit the service we offer.

Below is the procedure to follow to manage cookies from the following browsers:

  • IE
  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox

For more information on cookies and to manage your preferences on third-party profiling cookies, please visit http://www.youronlinechoices.com. To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the additional component of the browser to deactivate Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Such requests shall be made to Poggipolini S.p.A. ( E. contact@poggipolini.it) contact@poggipolini.it .

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